Dipl.-Writ.-Ing. Marko Kröner



  • immosbs association
  • DFK association

Marko Kröner worked for more than 20 years in various management positions at Deutsche Bahn Group. From 2008 to 2018, he was responsible for nationwide property, facility and construction management with professional and disciplinary personnel responsibility for around 600 employees. He was responsible for managing the entire German property budget of around EUR 0.5 billion per year. From 2018 to 2020, he headed the Corporate and Business Development division, where he developed new business strategies and new business models across the group, including planning, and was responsible for their implementation.
In 2020, he moved to the property investment sector to the Deutschen Investment Group and, as Chairman of the Board and Managing Partner, managed the business of EB IMMOBILIENMANAGEMENT GmbH with around EUR 3.5 billion in assets under management. In this role, he was responsible for the strategic development, nationwide expansion and digital transformation of the entire group of companies.

At the same time, he took over the Facility Management division with 2C SERVICES and 2C FACILITY MANAGEMENT GmbH as (sole) Managing Director within the Group and developed this into a separate business area for institutional and private owners.

For Deutsche Investment Holding GmbH, he was a key initiator of the first Article 9 fund for existing residential property.